The Crystal Garden
The Crystal Garden is a 3D Adventure / Puzzle game similar to the N64 Zelda games.
You need to fight your foes and solve puzzles in each dungeon as you progress and explore. Each dungeon will provide you with a new weapon, which will then let you explore further and deeper in the world of The Crystal Garden.

The story follows the quest of a young boy, Kaen who grew up with an old man in a village near an enchanted forest. When he was young he was fascinated by the stories of the gods who lived in this enchanted forest.
The world had been plagued by many natural disasters over the past decade. Glenn, the old man who raised Kaen, explained that the gods lived among us and wanted to annihilate humanity, in order to save earth from the catastrophes humanity had caused through their wars. He explained in his stories that someone had to enter the enchanted forest and request a second chance from the gods, but the entrance to the forest was always blocked.
One day Kaen manages to enter the forest and his quest to have an audience with the gods begins. As he progress and comes closer with each step, he learns the story of why the gods really want to get rid of humanity.
As the story of the gods is explained, Kaen’s past is revealed. Indirectly, his past is the same as that of the gods, but Kaen still follows his quest to save humanity. Because the real question is, when you can destroy the ones who made you suffer, are you in fact acting for the greater good? Or do you destroy everything, blinded by your wrath?

Main Story Characters
Kaen – The main character of The Crystal Garden. From a young age he was trained with the skills of sword and shield, it looks as if Glenn was preparing him for his quest to enter the Enchanted Forest.
He is a quiet guy who never made any trouble although everyone in the village was blaming him for everything as he was an orphan of war. His only friend, is Disoul, his ferret who he found in the forest when he was younger.
Disoul – Disoul is a ferret, and he accompanies Kaen on his main quest. Disoul does not like humans, his only friend is Kaen and he hisses at everyone else.
Glenn – Glenn is the old man who raised and trained Kaen. He was the only one who loved him and accepted him. He is different from the rest of the villagers as he still believes in the ancient myths of the gods.
Glenn is a carpenter and he is the one who made the shield of Kaen. He also knows that natural catastrophes are the deeds of the gods and he began preparing Kaen for his long quest before even Kaen knew it.
Serlein – Serlein is an enchanted girl who you find in the Enchanted Forest. She is from the race of the gods, she has low expectations of humans but her work is to guide you and point you to the right direction.
A human entering the Enchanted forest is very rare occasion. Therefore, the gods have the “Evaluators” in order to evaluate the ones who enter to see if they are worthy of an audience with the gods or not.
The Stranger – The stranger is another human who manages to enter the Enchanted Forest for his own personal reasons. You will encounter him on your journey but you do not know if he is your friend or foe.
The God – Chamber of the gods is the final place Kaen wishes to reach in order to request a second chance on behalf of the whole humanity. Completing an audience with The God is a completely different story.

The Team
The Crystal Garden game is a combined work of five individuals
Programmer: Tasos Rezu
Tasos is the constructor of The Crystal Garden. His responsibilities are the programming of the mechanics of the game, including the implementation of the animations and creation of the AI.
For more of his work, click here
Programmer: Haralabos Katagis
Haralabos is the scientist of The Crystal Garden. His responsibilities are the programming and upgrade of the existing mechanics of the game, making the character to be more detailed and making him feel more natural and alive.
For more of his work, click here
Concept Artist: Chris Kasimidis
Chris is the soul of The Crystal Garden. His inspiration created the characters we see in the world of The Crystal Garden. He creates the first shape of the main character and the creatures of the world.
For more of his work, click here or here
3D Character Modeler/Artist: Chrysanthi Lykousi
Chrysanthi is the enchanter of The Crystal Garden. She builds the depth of the world as she gives more emphasis to the third dimension. Her 3D character modeling skills, are the first life of the world of The Crystal Garden.
For more of her work, click here
3D Environment Modeler/Artist: Foivos Kouerinis
Foivos is the architect of The Crystal Garden. His imagination gives color to the world. He built the world up as an engineer, making sure the player enjoy the experience of exploration and puzzle solving faced during your adventure to the full.
For more of his work, click here
Sound Designer: Chris Douris
Chris is the maestro of sound in The Crystal Garden. His skills of finding and tuning the right sound effects for the game, boosts the gaming experience at its maximum.
For more of his work, click here or here
Game Designer/Animator: Alex Eleftheriou
Alex is the author of The Crystal Garden. His responsibilities are to come up with the story, gameplay and coordination of the whole team. Apart from that, he gives life to the models by animating the characters.